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Data Representation

Data Representation in Computers

Integer Representation

  • The number of bits used in representing the integer also implies the maximum number that can be represented in the system hardware.
  • However for the efficiency of storage and operations, one may choose to represent the integer with one Byte, two Bytes, Four bytes or more.
  • This space allocation is translated from the definition used by the programmer while defining a variable as integer short or long and the Instruction Set Architecture.
  • In addition to the bit length definition for integers, we also have a choice to represent them as below:
    • Unsigned Integer
      • A positive number including zero can be represented in this format.
      • All the alloted bits are utilised in defining the number.
      • So if one is using 8 bits to represent the unsigned integer, the range of values that can be represented is 28 i.e. "0" to "255".
      • If 16 bits are used for representing then the range is 216 i.e. "0 to 65535".
    • Signed Integer
      • In this format negative numbers, zero and positive numbers can be prepresented.
      • A sign bit indicates the magnitude direction as positive or negative.
      • There are three posibble representations signed integer and these are Sign Magitude format, 1's Compliment format and 2's Compliment format.

Sign Magnitude Format

  • Most Significant Bit (MSB) is reserved for indicating the direction of the magnitude (value).
  • A "0" on MSB means a positive number and a "1" on MSB means a negative number.
  • If n bits are used for representation, n-1 bits indicate the absolute value of the number.
  • Example for n = 8
    • 0010 1111 = + 47 Decimal (Positive number)
    • 1010 1111 = - 47 Decimal (Negative Number)
    • 0111 1110 = +126 (Positive number)
    • 1111 1110 = -126 (Negative Number)
    • 0000 0000 = + 0 (Postive Number)
    • 1000 0000 = - 0 (Negative Number)
  • Although this method is easy to understand, Sign Magnitude representation has several shortcomings like
    • Zero can be represented in two ways causing redundancy and confusion.
    • The total range for magnitude representation is limited to 2n-1, although n bits were accounted.
    • The separate sign bit makes the addition and subtraction more complicated. Also comparing two numbers is not straigt forward.

1's Complement Format

  • In this format too, MSB is reserved as the sign bit.
  • But the difference is in representing the Magnitude part of the value for negative numbers (magnitude) is inversed and hence called 1's Complement form.
  • The positive numbers are represented as it is in binary.
  • Examples for n = 8
    • 0010 1111 = + 47 Decimal (Positive number)
    • 1101 0000 = - 47 Decimal (Negative Number)
    • 0111 1110 = +126 (Positive number)
    • 1000 0001 = -126 (Negative Number)
    • 0000 0000 = + 0 (Postive Number)
    • 1111 1111 = - 0 (Negative Number)

Converting a given binary number to its 2's complement form

  • Step 1 → -x = x' + 1 where x' is the one's complement of x.
  • Step 2 → Extend the data width of the number, fill up with sign extension i.e. MSB bit is used to fill the bits.
  • Example : -47 decimal over 8bit representation
    • Binary equivalent of + 47 is 0010 1111
    • Binary equivalent of - 47 is 1010 1111 (Sign Magnitude Form)
    • 1's complement equivalent is 1101 0000
    • 2’s complement equivalent is 1101 0001
  • As you can see zero is not getting represented with redundance.
  • There is only one way of representing zero.
  • The other problem of the comlexity of the arithmetic operation is also eliminated in 2's complement representation.
  • Subraction is done as Addition.

Floating Point Number System

more notes
  • The maximum number at best represented as a whole number is 2n.
  • In Scientific world, we do come across numbers like Mass of an Electron is 9.10939 x 10-31 Kg. Velocity of light is 2.99792458 x 108 m/s.
  • It makes no sense to write a number in non-readable form or non-processible form.
  • Hence we write such large or small numbers using exponent and mantissa.
  • This is said to be Floating Point representation or real number representation.
  • Representationin computer
    • Unlike the two's compliment representation for integer numbers, Floating Point number uses Sign and Magnitude representation for both mantissa and exponent,
    • In the number 9.10939 x 10-31, in decimal form, -31 is Exponent, 9.10939 is known as Fraction. Mantissa, Significand and fraction are synonymously used terms.

Floating Point Representation

  • We have two standard known as Single Precision and Double Precision from IEEE.
  • These standards enable portability among different computers.
  • Single Precision uses 32bit format.
    • Single Precision can represent exponent in the range -127 to +127.
    • It is possible as a result of arithmetic operations the resultinf exponent may not fit in. This situation is called overflow in case of positive exponent and underflow in the case of negative exponent.
  • Double precision uses 64 bits word length
    • Double precision can represent fractions with larger accuracy.
    • The Double Precision format has 11 bits for exponent meaning a number as large as -1023 to 1023 can be represented.
  • In both the cases, MSB is sign bit for mantissa part, followed by Exponent and Mantissa. The exponent part has its sign bit.
  • The Floating Point operations on the regular CPU is very very slow.
    • Generally, a special purpose CPU known as Co-processor is used.
    • This Co-processor works in tandem with the main CPU.
    • The programmer shoulb be using the float declaration only if his data is in real number form. float declaration is not to be used generously.


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